Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Dinnerware, Hospital Style!

So, who has been a hospital patient and had dinnerware like this?

Real china and stainless steel serving pieces haven't been around (as far as I know) for a long, long time. This dinnerware is an exhibit in the Vaughan-Smitherman Museum's hospital section and was used in the mid-20th Century.

I suppose it isn't as sanitary as paper and plastic, but it sure looks nice!


  1. Thats probably from a time when they had friendly nurses.

    OK just kidding.

    Nurses have never been friendly.

  2. "Southern Hospitality" I think we need to get back to it.
    I bet the food was better too back then. What do you think? :)

  3. Looks like an interesting exhibit!

  4. I don't see why it's not sanitary - as long as it's washed well! And it's better for the environment. :)

    I had foot surgery a few years ago in France. The hospital didn't have a "vegetarian" menu so every day I just got a plate of lettuce. I would have liked it better on some nice china like this.

  5. Heck, I have to eat off paper plates at home.

    Nah...just fooling witcha.

    But hospital food wouldn't be the same without the feel of Styrofoam.

  6. Wow, this has so much more style and dignity than today's boring paper and plastic culture. Regarding the sanitary issue I'm not so sure. I think there is no big difference. It is just more expensive to clean the dishes than throwing them away.

  7. To be served on pretty dishes would definitely make your stay more pleasant.

  8. Much more homely, it must aid in recovery.

  9. Elegance vs. convenience wins every time!

  10. What beautiful dishes in our hospitals that is not

  11. Thanks for the pic.!! That dinnerware is looking classic.


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