Sunday, May 24, 2009


2300 hundred pounds of pork!

That's about how much barbecue the Elks Lodge on Highland Avenue sold Saturday at their annual Memorial Day fundraiser.

Barbecues are one way Americans gather together on this national holiday which commemorates our fallen soldiers.

Thanks to Jacque Johnson for sending this photo!


  1. Have not a done load of cooking like that in will sure wear you out the next day!

  2. Do you know if any photos exist of inside the old Wilby Theater? I remember growing up inside that theater and it was grand. Sure would like to stroll down memory lane again..

    John Moran

  3. Hi John,
    Sorry, I don't know, but some of the Wilby Theater relics and photos are at the Vaughan Smitherman Museum. You might try checking with them, and good luck!

  4. Now this pic brings jp all kinds of good memories. :)


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