Friday, April 10, 2009

Woven Crosses

This bookmark woven with crosses is among many made on a Selma weaver's loom. Isn't it beautiful?

They are perfect for Good Friday when Christians remember the sacrifice that Jesus made for the sins of the world! His death on the cross at Calvary is one of the most holy days of the year, followed by Easter, the most joyous holy day when we celebrate our Savior's resurrection.

Anyway, I was lucky enough to stop by the Weaver's house and see her magnificent loom and take this photo. You can see more of her crosses and other work at her Alabama Weaver blog. She is learning new designs all the time and shares her talents with local children by teaching them how to weave during Art Camp.


  1. This is somthing I have always wanted to try.
    Happy Good Friday!

  2. Great photo and post for Easter. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter celebration. Pappy

  3. Sage words. Best wishes for a joyous Easter.

  4. The crosses are a lovely shade of blue! Have a wonderful Easter!

  5. What a wonderful post for Good Friday!

  6. Great art and post.
    Happy Easter!

  7. RR
    Hope you and your family have a very special Easter.


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