Thursday, April 16, 2009


April 16 is "Save the Butterfly Day" in Alabama, and rather than post a Tiger Swallowtail, Monarch or some other natural butterfly, I found ELECTRIFLY!

Electrifly is one of the Dallas County Arts Alliance butterfly sculptures that took flight downtown last October. This butterfly was painted by artist Tammy White for patron sponsor Alabama Power Company.

Butterflies are Selma's official mascots and Alabama's official insects.


  1. I just love these butterflies, I wish we had them for our city mascots. As much as I love the pelicans I would prefer have butters.

  2. I can't get enough of these butterflies! They are so pretty and colorful!

  3. I'm just catching up. The butterflies are extremely colorful, but I'd really like to see the boys in Gray hold off the northern aggressors. Thanks for coming by. Pappy

  4. The name's cute and is definitely appropriate for this artwork. I just love all your butterflies!

  5. Selma is so lucky to have butterflies as its mascots. You've shown us so many cool artistic examples.

  6. Very colourful and I like the name too!

  7. I love the butterflies you have been posting. I did not realize that AL had an 'official insect'. Interesting.


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