Thursday, February 12, 2009

Old Town Belfry

This cute belfry sits atop...a school? a church? a barn?

Noooo...a storage shed!

The owner says she found the bell, then decided it would look nice in its own little tower.


  1. I would have guessed a house. I suppose you know that some farms used bells at the house so the persons in the house could summon the men working in the fields to come in for some emergency. Or, one or two rings might mean to come in for dinner. I know some of the early buildings here had bells on the roof like a church or school house and those were rung back in the days when there were marauding Indians around.

    Huge farm houses and other houses were made of local clay bricks and became havens for all the people in the vicinity.

    I would never have guessed a shed.

  2. Hi Abe. No, I didn't realize houses had bells on top! Down South, many rural homes had dinner bells just outside the door to ring when dinner was ready. Thanks for this interesting info.
    Anyhow, the shed behind this house is just as cute as the belfry. Everything matches.

  3. I never would have guessed a shed either! We have one similar to this in the courtyard at my church.

  4. Who knew! It looks too important for a storage shed! I like these old bells and towers! Cute idea!

  5. I bet thats neat, make the storage shed retro, like 1800s retro.

  6. Cute find! I like all the color too.

  7. Are there any bats in there? ;-)

  8. It made a nice picture. I wonder if there are cats up there. Or is it bats? lol


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