Saturday, December 20, 2008

End of the Trail

Christmas vacation for this college student from Selma so far has included a nearly 40-mile, three-day hike along North Georgia's Appalachian Trail.

His team began their trek at Dick's Creek Gap and ended at Neel's Gap at the Walasi Yi Center, a hiker hostel where the trail runs through the shelter.

Here, after climbing several mountains through fog, rain and unusual winter warmth, he is happy to be just a mile from trail's end. The adventure was not without close encounters. The team saw a mama bear and her cub, which quickly moved another direction. There were also glove-eating varmints at the Tray Mountain shelter.

And yes, if you are wondering, he's one of my boys!


  1. Now that's a real adventure!! I've always wondered what it would be like to be on a hike like that!

  2. Nice looking guy! Forty miles in three days? That's not easy on rough terrain. He must be very fit. ;-)

  3. I wish that was me, I've always wanted to walk the trail. Tell your handsome boy congratulations.

  4. Hey y'all, you are right that an AT long-distance backpacker has got to be in excellent physical shape! Climbing up and down steep slopes with a ton of stuff on your back isn't for the novice hiker. Then, you've got to cook your food on a camp stove, hang your backpack in a tree to keep bears away at night and tend to sore and blistered feet. But the experience is incredible if nothing goes wrong! Thank goodness for cell phones! They were able to connect to the relatives in Alabama from atop Tray Mountain and at Neels Gap.

  5. He looks pretty good after a grueling hike.

  6. Congrats on the super-sounding adventure. He's one of your joys, as well as one of your boys, I'm sure.

  7. What a great adventure and dream trip. I always wanted to do something like that. Most people when they are young and able don't have the money or time. Then when you get where you have both you find you aren't able. lol.

  8. great to see young boys rambling around mountains!!


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