Saturday, November 8, 2008

Squeaky Clean

Now you know how the saltwater aquarium at the public library stays so squeaky clean!

Library employees not only check out books and keep them orderly; they clean the aquarium, which is home to several species of fish, including Big Fish. He's the shadowy creature swimming away from us. The aquarium is a central attraction in the children's department.


  1. Good to see things in Selma are running smoothly. Pappy

  2. What a great addition to have in the library! Love the colors in this, it's like a watercolor painting :) Have a great weekend!

  3. Love the aquarium! I've always been fascinated with the creatures that live in the sea.
    A man that used to live here went to Selma...guess he's still there.
    Looks like a nice place to live.

  4. Aww, that's a fabulous thing to keep in a library's children's section!

    I really have to find the time to volunteer to read to less privileged kids…

  5. Cool aquarium! Puts mine to shame :(

  6. Love and aquarium as long as I don't have to clean it!
    My girls still remember the one in their pediatrician's office!!!!

  7. When my kids were little we had one and oh how I hated cleaning it.

  8. I can't wait to take my boys to an actual aquarium although something like this would be nice to do. I'll have to look to find where I can find some place with just a large tank for now until they are a bit older.

  9. Aquariums are such a relaxing addition to any room.

  10. Watching fish swimming around is so relaxing - a wonderful addition to the library!


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