Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Turkey's on the smoker.
Cornbread is done.
Congealed salad is chillin'.
Sweet potato cakes are coolin'.

So now I have time to publish a post!

Here's our turkey, slowing smoking. It's got apples inside to keep it moist and Southern Flavor (Selma-made) Cajun Seasoning rubbed all over. Tonight, we're having honey-baked ham from Mark's Mart, and the rest, we're saving til tomorrow.

I'm thinkin' about baking Paula Deen's Apple Butter Pumpkin Pie too.

Happy Thanksgiving, y'all!


  1. Sounds like you'll be having a real feast! Enjoy :)

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you! May your day be both joyous and fulfilling! I got up early to make cornbread and now we're off to a local school to help deliver dinners to families who might otherwise go without. This tradition has been in effect for decades with a legion of volunteers who purchase and cook the food, fill the boxes, coordinate the addresses, and deliver the meals. When we return to our own home to have our Thanksgiving meal it will truly be a day of blessings!We give thanks for our priviliged lives.

  3. Sure looks good. We are eating with friends and family away from our house, so I smoked my own bird earlier in the week so I could have leftovers. I hope you and your family have the best Thanksgiving Day ever. Pappy

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
    Your menu sounds devine! Oh yum, did you decide to do Paula Deen's pie? I love her!

  5. Happy Thanksgiving!!
    For the first time in years I don't have to cook... going to my daughters!!

    It feels strange

  6. Happy Thanksgiving Wishes sent your way!

  7. Kate, what a wonderful way to share your Thanksgiving Day! My dad used to share some of our feast with the folks in the county jail, which was across the street. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  8. Yes, Tanya, I did make Paula Deen's pumpkin pie, but I have yet to taste it! I was too full after dinner, but I'll let you know when I do try some.

  9. I love to smoke too! I specialize in ribs and pork roast. NEver done a turkey. Bet yours was delicious!


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