Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Up the Haunted Staircase

A haunting we will go!

Here is the staircase at Sturdivant Hall where the ghost of Selma bankerJohn Parkman has briefly been seen and felt. (Okay, I know it's blurry, but I "softened" the photo to give it a ghostly appeal.)
Sturdivant is among the sites that guests will visit this weekend on Selma's Haunted History Tours. They will hear stories of its resident ghosts, view other haunted houses and meet a few of the spirits at Old Live Oak Cemetery. More ghost tours are scheduled at Old Cahawba Archaeological Park.



  1. It definitely looks spooky! Good job on the photo.

  2. Awesome photo for the subject matter! I want to go on a ghost tour! There aren't any in Roanoke that I'm aware of but I'm thinking of heading to Lynchburg or Lexington for one!
    Are you going to take the tour?

  3. Beautiful photo, really well done. Shame about the logo in the corner though...

  4. The way you softened this photo is just AWESOME!!! That looks sooo cool & I wish I could go on some Haunted Tours - We don't have anything like that here in SE Mo and Selma is almost 450 miles from here. Your photo is very nice though, I love it!

  5. I love the softening effect on the photo. It truly has a spooky feel to it...great photo!

  6. Thanks for all your comments. I'd love to go, but I hear tickets are going fast!
    Snapper, the logo does take away from the photograph, doesn't it? But I put that on all my website photos. Perhaps I could have made it a bit less intrusive. Thanks for letting me know.

  7. Spooky!! Like what you did with the photo.

  8. This is scary. You've really created an atmosphere with this photograph.

    And many congratulations on being featured on the tourism website. That's a beautiful photograph on the cemetery section.

  9. Spooky for sure but still, it looks like a beautiful home.


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