Sunday, October 12, 2008

To Market, To Market

Hundreds of people came to Riverfront Market Day Saturday in the biggest turnout in years.

I'm sure that cool weather helped along with a number of new vendors and variety of crafts. The music was superb, and yes folks, I did buy a funnel cake...can't say I ate the whole thing by myself though!

One of my favorite parts of the day is meeting and greeting folks that I haven't seen in awhile. Like the women above, I "ran into" several old friends who had been out of sight but not out of former longtime neighbors who moved but returned for the weekend. It was a wonderful day!


  1. i always love markets. i can take lots of photos there.

  2. Looks like a great time. Is this on the main street in town?

  3. Seems everyone had a great day!

    Funnel cake?!

  4. A lot of folks there. I just bet there is someone in that crowd I know.

  5. I love markets. I could browse there for ages.

  6. Oh I can just hear it , 'Hey, how are ya'll doin?" I love our market here for the same reason. It takes me twice as long to get around it because I have to stop and chat with friends all along the way.

  7. Looks like quite a crowd, for sure. I hope the vendors did well!

  8. Dear Rambling,
    Be sure and tell your momma 'n 'nem I said "hay". Great photo of your market days. Selma should pay you for all the publicity. Pappy


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