Monday, September 15, 2008

Seven Seater

Here is the "Cadillac" of outhouses!

This seven-seater privy was donated to the Sturdivant Museum Association in 1979, but its move from Roseland Plantation in Marengo County was delayed until 2005. It was restored the next year. No longer operational, visitors can peek inside to see two seats for men, three for women and two for children.

The privy was in use on the 1200-acre plantation prior to 1850. Roseland was established in the 1820s by James H. Fitts.


  1. This is quite funny, Janet. . . .I never knew they had more than a 2-seater. Thank God I wasn't born way back when!

  2. Holy moly, a 7 seater! That IS a Cadillac of outhouses!

  3. I can't even let myself go there. UGH>

  4. I think limiting it to a 2-seater probably would have been better. Who wants to go in there with a bunch of other people anyway?

  5. I am glad that its no longer operational. The family that.......nevermind.

  6. It does blow the mind to consider going in there as a crowd, doesn't it? I've always gotten a kick out of the different sizes of holes...

  7. I think it was a good idea to let the ladies & children have more seats. It would alleviate the long waits outside the ladies' door.


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