Friday, August 8, 2008

Morning at Orange Beach (Skywatch Friday)

This is morning at Orange Beach, Alabama where the break of waves and call of seagulls are the only sounds. There were a few hovering clouds due to Tropical Storm Eduardo way out in the western gulf, and the tides were stronger than usual, so red flags dotted the beach.
We drove less than four hours from Selma to get here, and the area has recovered beautifully from Hurricane Ivan in 2004.The hurricane plowed through the Cayman Islands before heading north through the Gulf of Mexico. It's eye came in at Perdido Beach near the Alabama-Florida state line.
Alabama's beaches are family friendly, and at our condo complex, we saw cars from Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Texas, Louisiana and Arkansas.

Check out more Skywatch photos HERE.


  1. OH, I like this a lot!! Happy SWF!

  2. Now this is a realy nice photo! So realy makes me feel I'm there

  3. how beautiful! Happy SWF. :)

  4. Great image! Excellent Skywatch post!
    Cheers, Klaus

  5. This is a wonderful photo of Orange Beach, really superb. I love it (I live in Pensacola).

  6. Very impressive beach. I've heard that it's nice down there, hope I'll get to visit sometime!

  7. That does look a bit windswept and wide open. reat place to explore with the camera.

  8. Nice photo with great depth of field. Good work!

  9. Oh yeah, that's what I wanted to see. Wish there was a car in that parking lot with MY tag on it. I am serious Gulf coast beach envy!

  10. Beautiful photo, too bad it was associated with Hurrcaine Ivan.. still a pretty picture!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. great picture. I spent a lot of time at orange. I went to school in Mobile.

  13. I LOVE that we live within an easy drive of such beautiful beaches!

  14. Sea, plants and sky, all nature composition!
    Fantastic picture!

  15. beautiful atmosphere, beautiful colours! :)

  16. Love this beach scene - great photo

    Like your Blog and the pics of Alabama


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