Sunday, August 3, 2008

Home Sweet Home (Camera Critters)

I thought this house was for the birds, but it appears that grasshoppers have taken a fancy to it.

I wonder if they are inspecting it for shelter or if they're eyeing the flowers in pots by the porch!

This is Camera Critters Sunday, so follow this link to other critters' pictures.


  1. Cute! Looks like they've already moved in. :)

  2. That's cute. Nice photo for camera critters and creative.

  3. What a neat shot! You timed that one right.

  4. Ahahahaha - what a great capture! This photo tells a really cute story. I can just hear the grasshopper outside yelling "Honey, I'm home" and seeing the other grasshopper running to meet it's mate ;-)

  5. Put it outside, birds would probably like the little house guests. Pappy


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