Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Election Savvy

Rain or shine, these campaigners for Selma City Council candidate Monica Newton were prepared for the all-day job of greeting voters before they made their way into the Byrd School polling place. Dr. Newton, a family-practice physician and political newcomer, won over four other candidates with about 60 percent of the vote.

Selma also elected a new mayor. Council President George Evans defeated two-term incumbent James Perkins and two other contenders with 56 percent of the vote.


  1. An incumbent lost? Nice to see people getting involved.

  2. Wow. Those are some hot colors. Match summer heat. LOL

  3. Hope springs eternal. You can always hope that this new batch will be honest, hardworking and keep the citizens' best interest at the top of their list. We're still waiting for one of the above here in Birmingham. Sigh

  4. Sounds like the broom is sweeping clean.

    It was interesting to note that all y'all got worse effects from Fay than we did. Let's all pray Gustav away. I'm afraid we'll remember Fay as an annoyance after Gustav makes his mark.

  5. That red brick school building is very striking.
    We had municipal elections this year and the new council is now trying to undo what the previous council had done...sigh!

  6. I'm glad people exercised their right to vote. Good to have a change at the top!


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