Sunday, July 27, 2008

Pet the Alligator (Camera Critters)

Well...never thought I'd hold an alligator!

This little charmer drew plenty of attention last week at the McClelland's Critters Petting Zoo downtown at the libary. The baby gator, which has no teeth yet, is sitting in my left hand while I focus the camera in my right hand. Other critters on tour were baby Bengal Tigers and a magnificent python. The zoo brought them all the way from Banks, Alabama.

Take a look at the rest of God's beautiful creatures at Camera Critters!


  1. I'm running from them in Florida rains but he is cute.. sandy

  2. He is cute. Never thought I'd say that about a gator.

  3. Cute gator. I posted some last week.

  4. No teeth? So what are those sharp things hanging from his upper jaw?
    ~~~I wouldn't have been as brave as you.~~~

  5. Oh yikes i don't think i would like to hold him, he is sort of cute though

  6. He's beautiful... I love reptiles... :)
    I don't think he'd get along with the critter in my post, though! lol...

    Have a great Sunday!

  7. How adorable! Not my idea of a good pet, but everyone has different ideas. :)

  8. A cute gator? Yeah... not something I thought I'd ever say, but he's adorable!

  9. They are so cute when they are small. Don't know if I could hold one though. How brave of you.

  10. Their always so cute when they are babies. Very nice shot by the way.

  11. Awesome shot - so much clear detail!
    Well done.

  12. Well snapped! Get it...snapped...well it made me laugh :)

  13. He's so cute! No really, i had no idea that were so gorgeous as baby gators.

  14. Gosh, this is an impressive photo! He's sorta cute in his own little way!! =)
    Mountain Retreat Photos

  15. Well, as long as he didn't have any teeth yet... otherwise I don't think I'd be holding one!

  16. Wow! What a photo! You're brave and talented, all at the same time.

  17. He's really, really cute! But, I must admit, I'm not afraid of many critters at all, but gators and sharks are critters I AM afraid of... but THIS guy is SO cute, I'd probably make an exception ;-)


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