Sunday, July 20, 2008

Gargoyles? (Camera Critters Sunday)

Imagine looking up and seeing a real live "gargoyle" staring down!

I was taking pictures of the interesting gargoyle-like face (bottom right) when the feeling that whispers "You are not alone!" became urgent. I assume this is the resident dog at The Harmony Club (a private residence) downtown on Water Avenue. Of course, this was the perfect "Camera Critters" opportunity, if only he would hold that pose. He did, and I didn't get pounced upon. Then, he retreated back into his abode.

Needless to say, this photo was taken with haste, hence the lack of sharpness.

Check out the other fantastic Camera Critters HERE.


  1. Don't let that little pink ball on his collar fool you. I think you made the right decision to move on with haste. He looks a little like a "Junkyard Dog" to me. Pappy

  2. RR: A pit bull always scares me. The gargoyle is a great capture with the critter.

  3. That's so great really I was so surprised when the picture came up !!!ha ha

  4. Pit bulls are more scary than gargoyles. I wouldn't like to meet up with either. Nice capture!

  5. That's fun to have got the dog and gargoyle in one shot.

  6. Yees, he looks like a "junkyard dog" to me, too. Good capture!

  7. This made me smile - he does make a good gargoyle - I live in an ancient university full of them.

  8. What a wonderful photo op! It does look like you caught two gargoyles at work there.
    My Camera Critters Here and Here

  9. What a fabulous juxtaposition you caught!! I love it!

  10. Very good! He was just checking you weren't trying to make off with the gargoyle!

  11. Great capture! It made me smile! Yes, I think it is a pit bull, however I disagree that its breed would immediately mean it was mean. I think you got a fantastic shot! I LOVE it.

  12. Junkyard dog is right. You were definitely in the right place. Good for you!

  13. Oh wow that is and would be scary he don't look too friendly

  14. Yikes! That live guy doesn't look friendly AT ALL! ,-) I'd say you got a marvelous shot, all things considered. ,-)

    Miss Mari-Nanci
    When Twilight Embraces

  15. YIKES...I'm glad you lived to tell the tale!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. LOL - I love this WONDERFUL photo! Well, I think he has a friendly smile and is simply inquiring about your your intentions


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