Monday, June 23, 2008

Critter Print Birdhouses

What's in a fingerprint?
Flowers and trees,
Birds and bees.
Peeping chicks
and doggie tricks.
Big-eyed frogs,
Alligator "logs."
Friendly fish
and cats that swish!

These colorful birdhouses were fingerprint-painted by children enrolled in the Special Preschool Education Center (SPEC) at the Easter Seals' rehabilitation center in Selma. They were for sale at the Artisans' Day fundraiser.


  1. I bet they were a popular item. They look very nice.

  2. Those are so cute, and a great craft idea for my kids!

  3. This is awsome and a great idea! Had never thought about this technique!!

    Regarding your comment, the photo was taken by Sérgio, from Funchal (you may see more of his photos of Queen Elizabeth 2 on the link to his blog, under his name on the post).

  4. Very cute. They need to be encouraged. Congratulations to them.

  5. Reminds me of some similar fingerprint art projects I did with my third graders. Hope this project made lots of money for this worthy cause.


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