Tuesday, June 3, 2008

All That Jazz!

Selma sounded like New Orleans Sunday afternoon as this Dixieland jazz band strolled through the street playing "When the Saints Go Marching In." It was part of the grand intro to Kathryn Tucker Windham's birthday party which I posted about on Monday. I think the banjo player's and the drummer's faces really capture the mood of the day...one of joyful celebration! Kathryn is a Selma icon and is known far and wide. Read more about her HERE.
More info is on the Alabama Tale Tellin' site.


  1. Looks like the local television crew were there when you were. Nice photo.

  2. Happy birthday Kathryn Tucker Windham!

  3. Nice photo!

    They had an article about Selma in our paper's travel section Sunday.

  4. Really like this great shot....love dixieland jazz and it takes me there! And Happy Birthday to Kathryn!


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