Saturday, April 5, 2008

In High Clover

Instead of mowing our grass (er, clover),
the moths and butterflies get to enjoy it a bit longer while the rain continues to fall.

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  1. You did well to capture the butterfly. When I try they flap away!

  2. Oh yes!!! Don't mow that clover!!! Phullleeeeeze...

    Look at me up North. Hallucinating alligators or foxes, in fallen trees! Eeeek! -giggles-

    You have lovely clover blossoms. Keep them. Enjoy them. For me, even. :-)


  3. Great picture, The butterfly is wonderful. We just mowed over ours.

  4. I have an intense dislike for anyone that can get close enough to do that!

    Tomorrow, I plan to post a shot of a dragonfly I fluked just so I don't get entirely upstaged!


  5. Very nice Red-banded Hairstreak.

    I haven't seen any yet. Your springtime may be just a little ahead of ours here in Ft. Worth.

    Good find and great photo.

    I like your spider and story also.

    We bought a fig tree at the nursery yesterday and discovered a small house spider on it when we got home.

    Good lesson. Watch for hitchhikers.

    Troy and Martha in Texas

    PS: We turned the spider loose in the garden. I like most spiders.

  6. Thanks, Texas Travelers, for identifying this spider for me!

  7. Beautiful! You must have a really good camera. And a good eye, of course. :)


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