Friday, March 14, 2008

Selma's "Papa Joe"

This portrait of one of Selma's best-loved pastors won rave reviews at Friday's Arts Revive juried art show during Pilgrimage weekend. "Papa Joe" is the Rev. Joe Knight, associate pastor of St. Paul's Episcopal Church. The artist is Vicki Stoudenmire. She didn't win an award for this, but it has my vote for People's Choice.


  1. Its a very good painting. Does it look like him?

  2. Hi Jim,
    Yes, it looks exactly like him...the mark of a true artist, I think.

  3. Here I am, after another hectic week, to see some wonderful pictures. Loved to see the Doctors Office and the flower blossoms! As for the painting, sorry; photo portraits are not my favourites...
    Hope you enjoy Oia and its fabulous sunset at Blogtrotter.
    Have a great weekend!

  4. Nice. Everyone needs a Papa Jim.
    Thank you, and just in time for Holy Week.
    Palm Sunday greetings to Rev. Knight and you and y'all from Jerusalem!

  5. It's quite eye-catching, all that proportionality gone agog there. I like it.

  6. This is very nice. I agree with you, people's choice.


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