Monday, March 24, 2008


We noticed this squirrel dragging branches and twigs to her nest.
She would stop every so often to fuss at the cats, who gladly traded their outdoor ramblings for inside safety. I haven't seen her working the past couple of days, so I assume she is finished and ready for babies.
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  1. You should see some young one in a few weeks. They are so cute when small. I hope the cats don't try to get them.

    Nice photo.

    Have a good week.

    Abraham Lincoln in Brookville, Ohio

  2. Great photo. I have never seen a squirrel nest before. We have a lot of ground squirrels in this area.

  3. I enjoyed your account of her building her nest and keeping the cats at bay. I hope you're able to get a picture of a baby in a few weeks. I bet they'll be cute!

  4. Sweet! And from an angle not often seen. The "soft underbelly."

  5. Cool picture, I have never seen a squirrel build a nest before.

  6. I love to watch the animals preparing for their new little ones in early Spring. We had a squirrel family in our tree last year, and it was fun to watch them grow up.

  7. No, I don't recall your telling me that I have relatives buried in Selma. How cool is that? Is it possible to get a photo of a tombstone? I have the genealogy and can look the person up or just send me the name and a couple of dates and I can look them up.

    Don't rush out and do this. Just sometime when you got no place better to go and have lots of time.

    Thanks for your visits and comments.

    Abraham Lincoln in Brookville, Ohio.


    Abe, Here is the link. This photo of the memorial honoring President Lincoln's sister-in-law, Elodie Todd Dawson, was published March 26, 2007, and it is the ONLY post that received no comments! Perhaps you would like to comment! Elodie and another sister, Martha, who lived here were half sisters of Mary Todd Lincoln and actually visited the White House during the Civil War. It is rumored that they smuggled medicine back to the South. I can find more info for you. Elodie, by the way, was instrumental in raising funds for the Confederate Monument in Old Live Oak Cemetery here.

  9. I never thought of squirrels building nests. I guess they need somewhere to live though! Keep us updated on the babies. :)


I appreciate your visits and comments!