Monday, March 17, 2008

A Bit 'O Green

There was a bit 'o green in this rabbit's garden at the Elkdale Baptist Church Ladies' Banquet Saturday night. Hmmm, I spy Easter eggs too, but I chose this springtime tablescape for the green glasses and cabbage-leaf plate. After all, this is St. Patrick's Day.
The annual banquet features Bible-verse table themes along with delicious food, door prizes and well-known Christian worship leaders. This year's speaker/singer/worship leader was Kim Bolton of Nashville, Tenn.

(Click photo to view larger version.)
To view the banquet album, click here.
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  1. It all looks so nice. We you able to take the jelly beans? :-)

  2. That's a great idea, the theme tables! I love it.

  3. Amazing table, great shot. Good job! Have a great week!

  4. Nice and all ready for a party. Nice photography.

  5. Very easterly and nicely decorated. That reminds me of ... oh I haven't decorated anything yet. It's time to do it. Easter is over so fast.

  6. A belated Happy St. Paddy's day to ya!

  7. Wow, what a fabulous little snippet of life in your city.

    Thanks for dropping by Mainz Daily Photo and commenting.

  8. Lovely photo of a lovely decorated table.


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