Friday, February 15, 2008

Spring in Waiting

Buds are just waiting to pop open as soon as a warm breeze swings up from the south. In another four to six weeks, there will be blossoms of dogwood, forsythia, quince, redbud, Yoshina cherry, pear, plum and azalea.


  1. Can't wait to see the blossom! :)

  2. I am starting to long for spring. The explosion of color at the Dallas Arboretum is amazing. I can't wait.

  3. How lovely - and in Selma, Ala. you probably have a good chance that they will stay green. Take a look at my entry today, there is the same green shadow on the trees, but we are expecting below freezing temps over the week-end :(

  4. Is it possible that we will have an early spring?

    --steve buser
    New Orleans Daily Photo

  5. Happy (Spring) Days are almost here again, oh boy.

    I have never been inside Graceland though I have walked in the boulevard watching thousands of others holding lit candles waiting to file into the house to honor Elvis. Each August a week is set aside to pay tribute to his memory - they call it "Dead Elvis" week here.

  6. I can't wait for the spring either. Hope to see some pretty blossoms here!


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