Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Holiday House

Holiday House at the Performing Arts Center is among the merriest places in Selma during the Christmas season. Its halls and walls are decked with ribbons and wreaths, ornaments, toys, jams and jellies, tons of baby things, aprons, birdhouses, nativity sets and just about anything your friends and family can wish for! Many of the items are homemade by area artists and craftsmen, and all are for sale. I found stuffed toy puppies that really breathe, angel ornaments made from magnolia cones, monogrammed checkbook covers, drink holders, and keychains; all kinds of prepared mixes for that holiday cheeseball or salsa, jewelry galore, kudzu jelly and fabric totes. Part of the proceeds will benefit the Old Depot Museum.
Oh! Don't miss the bake sale. There's one each day by a different caterer or civic organization!


  1. Sounds like a great way to raise money, and I love bake sales.

  2. That's my kind of shopping place!

  3. Very festive picture. Thanks for visiting my page and leaving me the comment.

  4. Lovely photo - very festive! I guess they don't really go in for minimalism there though!

    Glasgow Daily Photo


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