Sunday, November 25, 2007

Going, Going, Almost Gone

The ginkgo leaves are going, going...almost gone! Rain tonight could finish their fall.


  1. I hate to see those very special leaves fall.

  2. :) I think we all have these glowing memories. Do you ever wonder if your parents felt the same preparing it for us? Or were they as weary of the pressure of the holidays as we are now sometimes?

    I think that is another of those 'memories' where we miss not only the event but also the carefree state of being a child. :)

    In any case, lovely pictures.

  3. Forgive me - I've too many windows open and the previous comment really should have gone on to another blog :(

    Your tree looks beautiful against the sky and don't forget, it is only for the season that they are gone. Come spring....

  4. Hi Isadora. When I read your first comment, I kind of related it to the tree losing its leaves just as families lose loved ones and some of their old holiday traditions. Anyhow, it's a lovely comment, and I'm leaving it although it was meant for another blog.
    But yes, I can relate to the hectic preparation nowadays which I guess I did not fully appreciate as a child!

  5. This has to be one of my favourite trees, with such a beautiful shaped leaf. I believe it is the only tree in its species and one of the oldest trees in existence.

    I've seen one or two around here but not many and one I tried to grow didn't survive.

  6. And time to rake. Thanksgiving Day, I finished raking the last of the leaves that fell that morning. A good way to work off that 3 piece of pie. ;)


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