Thursday, November 1, 2007

Something Blue - City of Selma Seal

November Theme Day is "Something Blue," and Selma's city seal has blue sky and blue water in its background. The water represents the Alabama River, and the antebellum Sturdivant Hall represents the Civil War era. The Pettus Bridge is noted for the Civil Rights era. The butterfly is included since Selma is the Butterfly Capital of Alabama. This seal is rather weathered as it stands at the Alabama River entrance
into town.

Blue is photographed by the following City Daily Photo Blogs. Please visit their sites.

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  1. This is a really nice commemoration for your city. I think our two cities probably have a lot of history in common with the civil rights movement and all. I'll be sure to check back here more often!

  2. Nice one. I'd love to learn more about your city.

    Norwich Daily Photo

  3. This is great. Original. Very nice choice for today.

  4. I think it is great to pay homage to one's city (when it's worth it :-)) I like it. I too showed the sky!

  5. Great Blue Theme Day post! I love signs of all kinds!

  6. How fantastic to be the butterfly capitol!! Very cool.

  7. The sign and the sky are almost the same color, great photo!

    Port Angeles Daily Photo

  8. I saw this on the portal and it looks as good here as it did there!

  9. Three cheers for the red, white and BLUE from Barbara in West Sacramento.

  10. Great city to have Blue Sky and Blue Water :-)

    Good pick for the theme.

    Happy Theme Day!

  11. Great choice for theme day. I can see how much you love your city.

  12. Civic pride and perfect for theme day!

  13. Nice choice for theme day, and thanks for the history behind the seal imagery.

  14. very beautiful wish to visit your city.

  15. Great shot, nice blue.
    Thank you for your comment.

  16. nice post.and excellent photos.


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