Thursday, October 4, 2007


Bees love goldenrod and so do I! I did a little digital editing to darken the background and bring out the gold. This rich blossom that once was Alabama's state flower is almost in full bloom along roadsides, banks and in fields.


  1. Enjoyed viewing your photos! The goldenrod is blooming here and I've been trying to find a good spot to take a picture. Your picture is great!

  2. Beautiful picture. I am seeing a lot of Goldenrod's here in Georgia.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Yes, the gold comes out really well. It is a nice picture. I like the new state flower too - camellia japonica. I wonder why they picked a japanese variety as the new state flower.
    Thanks for your visit.

  5. Your shot is beautiful. We have tons of it here in Nashville, too. Unfortunately, I am highly allergic to the stuff and suffering like anything right now.

  6. Thanks for your comments. I wanted to use goldenrod at my October wedding years ago, but one of the bridesmaids was allergic to it! We settled for chrysanthemums instead.

  7. I don't have the NIKON D70 as you but I wanted it. So I settled for the NIKON D40. Nice pictures!


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