Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Little Red Caboose

Today is the six-month anniversary of the Selma, Alabama Daily Photo Blog. So, I present the City of Selma Little Red Caboose. The caboose is a mini-museum within a museum at the Old Depot and an example of Selma's railroad heritage.

Thank you to everybody who has visited this photo blog. I appreciate your comments and encouragement, and I have loved visiting you!

This photo was taken a few years ago with my Pentax film camera.


  1. And I have enjoyed visiting you immensely!! It's a fine photo for your 6-month anniversary!

  2. I have been visiting your blog for several weeks and I'm enjoying it very much! Keep up the GREAT Work!

  3. Congratulations on the 6-month milestone. Your stick-to-it-ness has paid off not only for your but for all of us who love to come to your blog and check you postings. Great pictures and a lot of variety.

    I had a friend one time who bought an old caboose, moved it into his back yard and made a changing room and lounge out of it for his pool.

    --steve buser
    New Orleans Daily Photo

  4. Congratulations, Rambling Round!

    Very pretty colors. I had never read the word "caboose"......

  5. Thank you all for your kind comments. Now, I'll see if I can stick to this another six months!

  6. Congratulations!

    Beautiful photo!

  7. Congrats on the 6th month marker!

    I really like the colors in this photo.


I appreciate your visits and comments!