Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Kress Restored

Remember Kress? This Art Deco architecture from yesteryear's five-and-dime store is fully intact in Selma. The circa 1930 building was renovated several years ago by Butler Truax Jewelry, and about 80 percent of the original structure was able to be saved. The interior has Corinthian capitals that soar 18 feet, and Italian green marble can be found along the entrances.


  1. Oh, yes, I remember Kress. It's so great that what must be an astounding building has been saved. Thanks for this photo. Will there be others?

  2. I don't know what Kress is. But I find the building very beautiful. It makes me think of the few ArtDeco buildings we have in Montpellier (not many!).

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog. Your Kress looks similar to ours in Greensboro, NC. It sat empty for years, but has become one of our adaptive reuse successes in a revived downtown.

    I like your "photo-a-day" idea. I've got a photo blog in addition to my gardening blog, but I've never figured out exactly what I wanted it to be or do. You've inspired me to work with it a bit more.

    By the way, do you know if there is any historical connection between Greensboros NC and Alabama? Many NC settlers moved into Alabama in the 1840s and 50s, so I've always wondered.

  4. Hi Lynette, I plan to get some other photos of this store, yes!

    Marie, Kress was a popular five-and-dime store, although it didn't really look like a five-and-dime. The company spared no frills in its architecture.

    Hi David. It's great your city's Kress building was saved too! This photo-a-day thing really isn't my idea, though. It is part of the City Daily Photo Blog. Come join us!

  5. Great shot. It's great when beautiful architecture can be saved.

  6. I hate to admit this but I once stole something from this store when I was a teenager(don't tell anybody!!). I don't even remember what it was. I'm glad the building has been restored. I remember it was a pretty neat old building on the inside too.
    I live in Orlando and because this town is considered to be 'young', there's not a lot of historical places. One of my favorite towns for history is Savannah, Georgia.

  7. Oh my! Fladogtrainer! A thief in our midst! No wonder you left Selma and fled to another state!


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