Thursday, September 6, 2007

Goat's Milk Soap

Anybody ever scrub with goat's milk soap? No? Now you can. I found some locally made soap made from Blue's goat's milk, and they have a website. This little business makes goat's milk lotions as well.


  1. Oh, the "love spell" and "lemon verbena" fragrances sound wonderful! Thanks for the link. I think I tried goat's milk soap once, years ago, at an inn overseas but it was unscented, if memory serves. Anyway, have you tried it yet? How do you like it?

  2. Sounds nice, have you used any? I'm a compulsive label reader and it's interesting to me how many different oils are listed on the label even before the goat milk: olive, rice bran, coconut, palm etc. And, then there's lard too! Where's the apple and honey?

  3. Your recent photos are really very beautiful and original.

    I like goats (I like all animals). I saw a sad story on BBC News yesterday. That made me angry.

  4. Never used the soap and didn't know it was possible. Mother used to make lye soap using old grease, lye and wood ashes.

    I can say from experience, and before the days of refrigerators and ice delivery, that goat's milk on Wheaties or Corn Flakes is not good and leaves lots of things to be desired. Right out of the goat it is not cold and warm goat milk on modern cereal is just bad.

    If you have not seen a tomato horn worm lately, complete with cocoons of predator wasps aboard, then take a look if you have time.

  5. Felix, I haven't tried this yet but plan to, especially the lotion.

    Z, I guess the apple and honey must be the fragrance.

    Marie, so glad you like the photos!

    Old Man Lincoln, I have used lye soap too and did not like it. I have never drank goat's milk, although my grandmother did due to cow's milk allergy. She offered me some, but I never tried it...didn't like milk of any kind anyhow! I will stop by Brookville shortly.

  6. Our family is partial to Yardley's Lavender soap, but I'm willing to try this one!

  7. Somehow, when I woke up this morning, going to the store and buying goat's milk soap wasn't on my day's agenda. Funny how life changes minute by minute.
    --steve buser
    New Orleans Daily Photo

  8. hmmmm...does it have a goat-ish smell?

  9. Hi Kate and Steve, Lavender scented soap would work for me, and while buying goat's milk soap wasn't on my agenda either, I was pleasantly surprised to find it!

    Chandler Mom, I hope it doesn't smell like a goat!

  10. Forget the soap - do they sell any goat cheese? J'adore ;-)

  11. I have now been using this lotion and soap for a few months now, and OH MY GOSH!!!! it is awesome. being of the Irish skinned folk, i tend to burn & peel, but not with this stuff. i can lotion up asap after my sun exposure and it keeps me from peeling!!! it also feels and smells wonderful! i just wish that i could find it in GA!!! i have to come home to get it!!!


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