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Here is where the Civil War meets Civil Rights at the intersection of Jeff Davis Avenue and Martin Luther King Street. Jefferson Davis was president of the Confederate States of America, while King was the leader of the Civil Rights Movement. Both men were significant to the history of Selma.
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Here is where the Civil War meets Civil Rights at the intersection of Jeff Davis Avenue and Martin Luther King Street. Jefferson Davis was president of the Confederate States of America, while King was the leader of the Civil Rights Movement. Both men were significant to the history of Selma.
There are lots more City Daily Photo Blogs participating in Theme Day. Please visit their sites at the following locations:
Great choice of post for today. And super close up.
ReplyDeleteNot for the first time has Jilly said exactly what I was going to say.
ReplyDeleteMLKJ is a man worth remembering.
Great shot!
ReplyDeleteThat's a great shot and what a pairing! I think it was the anniversary of King's "I have a Dream " speech the other day.
ReplyDeleteExcellent choice! Both men who made history.
ReplyDeleteWhen I see it, I thought this street sign is in Cleveland since this is one the longest street in my city. Cool.
ReplyDeleteGreat choice, indeed.
ReplyDeleteAn intersection of ideals...it's interesting how cities around the U.S. have renamed inner city streets "MLK Jr. Way". (at least out here on the left coast) Hope for all!
ReplyDeletePort Angeles Daily Photo
Good observation. Very appropriate for the Theme Day photo.
ReplyDelete-steve buser
New Orleans Daily Photo
A blend of history in a very real since. I like your post and the symbolism it represents.
ReplyDeleteTwo great men who crosses only in the crossroads
ReplyDeleteWe are on the same wave length with our street signs today, Rambling Round.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great intersection!
ReplyDeleteGood job !
ReplyDeleteAs others have said before me, good choice!
ReplyDeleteLove your title...so original....