Friday, August 10, 2007

Dallas Academy

School started Thursday in Selma's city schools. Much too hot to be in school in my opinion, but that's another story. Here is Dallas Academy, Selma's first-ever public school, although it started as a private school back in 1888. There aren't any school children here today since it closed in the 1960s, but the kids you see out front were waiting for an arts class way back the beginning of the summer (hence, the green trees- they are very dry now!) The building is used today for arts and civic purposes, and a ceramics center is located in the basement, probably the coolest place in town!


  1. School is now in session here as well. Lots of road signs warning drivers to use caution.

    Hope you're managing to stay cool!

  2. There was a lot of hope in those tree leaves in the spring but like you said things are like straw now. And the same here in Ohio. It is really a drought we are in while others are flooded. And it is hotter here than in Las Vegas or Tucson. Weather is nuts.

    Abraham Lincoln

  3. Thanks for your comments! August is just too hot for school, especially this August. Kids should be swimming, not riding hot school buses, in my opinion.
    As for staying cool, our power went out during dinner last night! It was only out about 1.5 hours, but we have an attic fan so used that to draw the heat out before turning the ac back on. A neighbor's refrigerator had gone out, so we gave her our cooler filled with ice bags to get her through til today. We learned after Hurricane Ivan a few years ago to always be prepared. We keep a big cooler in the deep freezer and are ice-ready!

  4. Look at those drapes on the upstairs window. What a pretty effect they give to an already attractive schoolhouse.

  5. I cannot believe it's time for school already. My kids start next Wednesday (though their school doesn't look as nice as this one!). Where did summer go?!

  6. This is such a beautiful building! I'm glad the city is using it well.

  7. Interesting building, nice picture! A bit too early to start school again...
    I'm still dreaming of some holidays...

  8. I hope you have some rain soon. Here in Korea, the official rainy season has gone but now we have frequent and lots of local downpour. In an hour, heavy rain keeps falling and stopping.:S

  9. Hi - thanks for dropping by into Rabaul. The funny thing is rabaul doesn't get extremes of heat as much as you do. We range between 22 - 30 degrees and never get over 32 even on the hottest day. We are metric so not sure of the conversion.

    You photos certainly give off the feeling of summer. Are the classrooms air-conditioned? There is a big push in Australia to do this because of global warming and higher temps but air-conditioning makes G W worse - bit of a Catch-22 isn't it?

  10. Thanks to all of you for visiting.
    We finally got a good rainshower this evening! Just in time because temps hit record highs well over 100 today!
    I believe the offices in the Dallas Academy are air-condtioned. I know the basement is.


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