Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Confederate Rose

The Confederate Rose is popular in southern gardens. A type of hibiscus, the large shrub is related to cotton and okra. When it first blooms in late summer, the blossoms are white on the first day, rosy pink on the second day and bluish pink on the third day. It blooms until frost and is killed back with a hard freeze. But it returns in the spring, bigger and more glorious than the year before!


  1. Quite a shot of color -- perfect wake-me-up.

    --steve buser
    New Orleans Daily Photo

  2. Wonderful photo and flower.

    Thanks for visiting my NorthBayPhoto blog.

  3. I love the idea of changing colors!

    Don't think the Chinese (where it came from)called it "The Confederate Rose", do you? ;-)


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