Friday, July 20, 2007

The Harmony Club

The Harmony Club downtown on Water Avenue was built in 1909 as a Jewish social center. It originally contained first-floor businesses, a second-floor restaurant and lounge and third-floor ballroom. Later, it served the Elks Club, then closed in 1960 until it was purchased in 1999 for a private residence. It has been under restoration since then and was featured on HGTV. ArtsRevive, a local arts group, uses the first floor for exhibits.


  1. I like your picture but the description reminds me to say that the owners probably ran out of money and now, enthusiasm for remodeling.

    Abraham Lincoln
    Brookville Daily Photo

  2. Somebody's got a lot of money sunk into that place if they've been renovating it for 8 years. I love to see old building like this find new life.

    --steve buser
    New Orleans Daily Photo

  3. I've always loved buildings that look like that.

  4. What a pretty building with all the reds.

  5. Now that is a house. Fabulous.


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