Thursday, July 26, 2007

Creeping Kudzu

I don't know if this iron fence is wrought or not, but it looks a bit rusty as well as close to getting wrapped in kudzu. The fence and kudzu are down by the river just off Water Avenue. Notice the trees that are also covered in the prolific vine.


  1. The fence is lovely but it doesn't have a chance in the world of keeping out all that kudzu. Wow.

  2. Sorry to take some time to get back to see your beautiful pictures. Stars fell on Alabama can be heard here
    Thanks for your visits and comments to Blogtrotter

  3. Yes, and Kudzu is edible and helps people with alcohol addiction (Harvard). I would suggest the site for 100+ kudzu kwestions and one recipe not on the 180,000 Google Search will give you. It is related to the sweet pea and snow pea and sweet when eaten. Using poison to manage poison ivy makes sense. Using poison on an edible plant when there are alcoholic homeless and poor people going to food pantries and getting no fresh greens doesn't make sense.

    Really nice shot of the fence and kudzu.

  4. Thank you, Charlotte, for information about the other side of kudzu. That will be an upcoming post. I am pro-kudzu as long as it doesn't overtake my house, my trees and the roads I have to travel! We even make kudzu jelly down here!


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