Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Where's the Range Cubes?

"We want a handout, and that's no bull!"

These Red Simmental bulls stopped lounging in the shade and immediately headed toward the truck. They wanted a handout...range cubes to substitute for the lack of grass. This is the second consecutive summer that supplemental feed has been necessary.

Though a good two inches of rain fell the past couple of days, the drought will be around a long while...unless a tropical storm heads our way. That's about the only way a 15-inch thirst can be quenched.


  1. They are beautiful cows!! I love the colors on them.

  2. the American cows are the sporting ones!!

    that changes cows which I posted today

  3. Nice photograph. I like farm pictures and I also like your examples.

    Abraham Lincoln
    I posted about a Baby Rabbit
    Brookville Daily Photo

  4. Is that a young bull? I see no horns...But still, I would give him any food he demands ;-)


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