Sunday, June 17, 2007

Gone Fishin'

Gone fishing for Father's Day.
Hope all you fathers had a
grand, relaxing day!


  1. What a still, still lake or river! What fish can one catch in it?

    Hope you're having a great time, whereever you are!

  2. Gorgeous photo! Hope you had a good time.

  3. Looks like a place to catch a smallmouth bass or a crappie.

    Nice picture.

  4. Abraham, you are right! You really know a lot about a lot of things! This is a bass pond near Selma.

  5. This is a great photo! You should enter it in a photo contest as it's composition is exquisite!

    Found your site by happenstance and I'm really enjoying it.

    As a native Alabamian, I miss everything about the South except the heat and humidity.

    Keep up the good work!

  6. Love your pictures of Selma and surrounding areas! I have many fond memories of the area and appreciate you taking your time to share what a pretty place Selma is with the rest of the world. What I wouldn't give for some down home fried catfish and fresh picked Uncle Robert tomatoes! Thanks again!

  7. Looks like there are some native Alabamians and Selmians visiting. I really appreciate you stopping by! Sorry I can't just blog the scent of gardenia or the taste of fried catfish for you! Photos will have to do.
    Halita, I don't know where you live now, but if you are that far out of Catfish Country, try asking the grocery chains to stock catfish fillets. We buy them by the box down here and just keep them in the freezer for whenever.


I appreciate your visits and comments!