Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Alabama River in June

It was hazy outside the day I took this picture of the Alabama River at the foot of Church Street. The water surface was smooth, and as you can see in the bottom right, the kudzu was flourishing. Occasionally in the summer, alligators can be observed sunning along the banks, but finding them for a photo isn't too easy. The gators make their way north via the Mobile Bay and bayous, up the Mobile River and into the Alabama. Perhaps one day I will get lucky!


Victoria said...

What a lovely vista.

Kate said...

Don't push your luck re. alligators! The river is ALMOST as beautiful as the Mississippi ;0). Lovely photo.

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful. The colors are striking. Yes, its a beaufiful river. Good luck on shooting an alligator. Hope its from a loooooong distance :)

Beetle said...

Oh,lovely river,Last month,I finally get an answer from Abraham Lincoln about the difference of Alligators and Crocodiles,Honestly never know about it before :o) and I like your photo yesterday, is it the street sometimes use for race for the youngsters as it would be in here which is not save and our youngster problem for the city

Sorry,I just got a time to reply visit as something keep me busy

isa said...

Water's smooth as glass...

("Perhaps one day I will get lucky!" - I thought you were married ;-))

Steve Buser said...

Gator come out on banks of the river or rocks to use the heat of the sun to help digest their food. -- something I picked up in one of those swamp tours.

Janet said...

Thank you for your comments.
Steve, that is very interesting about the gators using the sun to digest food. I didn't know that! We don't see many gators in the river, so it's a big deal when we do! However, I have heard that they like to get in fish ponds, especially during a drought. Why is that?

Shammickite said...

What a lovely lazy river, but if there are alligators, I don't hink I'll risk a swim right now, thanks!

Z said...

The photo conveys a calm and beautiful feeling and the green is glorious, but I'm guessing the humidity and heat can be quite difficult? And bugs, are there bugs? Late one evening I tried to take photos near our river, and had to run (screaming) from the flying nasties which seem to really, really adore me. :-)

Anonymous said...

Growing up in Selma, I always loved the sights around town. I no longer live in Selma, but still remember the wonderful memories of those times. All your photos are great.