Thursday, May 24, 2007

Greeted by Geese

When we visited Grist State Park the other day, these geese swam over to the recreation area, formed a line and came over to greet us. Then, they sat in the shade with other resident fowl. I suppose they are the unofficial Welcome Committee.

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  1. Nice catch! Do they beg for food, by the way?

  2. Hmmmmm...Irina, perhaps the geese were begging for food (haha) instead of welcoming us!

    Magiceye, the park is serene, especially when only a few people are around.

  3. Geese are curious creatures in parks which is almost like captivity to them. They get used to people and will almost come up to you here where I live. In the park.

    Nice picture and interesting story.

    Today is the third episode in One Day in the Life of a Robin. It is about the toilet issues -- the poop sack. Tomorrow will be the end of the series with an unforgettable set of pictures. Hope you can see them.

    Abraham Lincoln
    Brookville Daily Photo

  4. Lovely to see these graceful creatures in the water. Nice photo.

    My PAD and
    Guelph Daily Photo


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