Friday, April 6, 2007

Good Friday Cross

"By now it was noon, and darkness fell across the whole land for three hours, until three o'clock. The light from the sun was gone...and suddenly the thick veil hanging in the Temple split apart. Then Jesus shouted, 'Father, I commit my spirit to you,' and with those words he died."

The photograph of a cross monument laden with Spanish Moss was taken at Old Live Oak Cemetery.
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  1. Beautiful picture!Trees behind the cross are taking a part to this feeling.

    Very happy Easter to you!

  2. I really like the textures in this picture and I'm glad you enjoyed the apple! :)

  3. Thanks for stopping by Janet and leaving your nice comments. Come again anytime.
    Your cross is so beautiful for thie solomn day.

  4. Heya,
    Without wanting to steal your tricks... what have you done to that photo? It looks incredibly arty. Love it.

  5. Thanks for you work and have a good weekend.

  6. Hey, thanks for visiting. The moss was just draped on the cross, and I used Picasa photo editing to help the contrast, increase the color saturation just a bit and accentuate the highlights.
    A happy Easter to you all!


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