This March of Dimes billboard on Jeff Davis Avenue caught my attention since our family has experienced the effects of prematurity. If I could sponsor my own billboard, it might read something like this:
MOMs: See a doctor; report unusual symptoms.
OBs: Listen to the moms; check out symptoms.
NEOs: Keep in touch with pediatricians once the baby goes home.
PEDs: Listen to the neos. Stay on top of preemie issues.
PARENTs: Seek second, even third opinions from physicians.
NICUs: Please sponsor followup clinics well past age 2.
EDUCATORS: Babies are saved at ever-earlier gestations. Be prepared; you will teach more preemies.
MOD: Thanks for raising prematurity awareness. Remember the BASICS.
The picture is very nice. The message is important. important. Thanks for the pic!