Saturday, April 14, 2007

Bridge to the Battlefield

Battle of Selma reenactors cross the covered bridge into Riverside Park. The bridge was constructed across Valley Creek and leads from a parking area, playground and walking track in Valley Creek Park to the Battle of Selma battlefield. The main battle re-enactment is on Sunday afternoon.

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  1. A nice shot. I like the idea of portraying how a battle must have looked.

    Abraham Lincoln

  2. Thanks for visiting my site and yes the stones are two different colors. They stopped building the monument for several years that is why you have the 2 different colors of stone.
    I really like the old covered bridges.


  3. Thanks for the comments.
    I should clarify that the covered bridge is a modern-day one. The two parks have separate main entrances, and the parks previously connected only by a foot bridge. In the quest to be authentic as well as safer. the Battle of Selma sponsors built a covered bridge. This bridge accommodates both people and horses.

  4. Historical reconstructions are lots of fun (without having to actually be there - it's alsways "cleaner" and "nicer" than I'm sure it really was :-)


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