Friday, January 31, 2014

Skywatch Friday, Winter Gray

Our skies wore winter gray with a swath of blue earlier this week
 as clearing came slowly after Tuesday's two inches of snow and ice.

 Four days later, some of this stuff is STILL on the ground!

 Spring can't come soon enough!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Signs, Signs, Height of the Storm

Freezing rain, sleet and snow this week turned the streets of Selma into ice,
 and generators were in high demand in case power went out.

Thankfully, school was canceled the night before,
preventing a hurry-home-at-the-height-of-the-storm misfortune.
 As the thaw begins today, we'll hope that pipes didn't freeze!

Thanks to Christine Weerts, guest photographer!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Got Milk!

It's a COLD, COLD day in central Alabama, but this newborn CALF
 (born in Tuesday's winter storm) is quite satisfied to have his mama's milk. 

Linking to ABC Wednesday featuring the letter C

Friday, January 10, 2014

Afternoon Moon

The moon was high in the sky over Lafayette Park early Wednesday afternoon.
Linking to Skywatch Friday and City Daily Photo Blogs

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Icy Cover

One of the horses in the fountain outside the St. James Hotel looks a bit shocked
 as his eye  peers between slabs of ice! This week, Selma had its coldest weather
 in maybe 20 years with temperatures remaining below freezing
 (all the way to a low of 8 degrees)
 from Sunday night until Wednesday morning. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Feeding Frenzy

It's that time of year when livestock heads are in the hay.
 While this is a file photo from last year, feeding right now
 is fairly frenzied with extended below-freezing temps.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Mighty Moss

Spanish Moss climbs, winds, wraps, trails and hugs its hosts
 to create multitudes of photo ops;
 thus, it's the Mighty Moss of the South!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Ready for the Cold and the Bowl

Meerkat loves to wrap up when the temps turn cold, and cold it will be over
 the next few days! With a predicted low of 12 degrees
 Monday night, I imagine she will be snuggling on the Auburn blanket
 to watch the Auburn University Tigers fight to keep the crystal football
 in the state of Alabama.  

Friday, January 3, 2014

Streaming Orange

Our sky streamed orange this morning as the sun rose behind the trees.
 But it's colder than it looks. The wind chill is in the teens!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Cotton Scales

Selma's Old Depot Museum features numerous exhibits of Black Belt culture
 including old cotton scales. Here, the weight (485 pounds) of a bale of cotton
 is noted at the top of the scale. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

City Daily Photo Theme Day, Best of 2013

The first day of the new year is my favorite Theme Day
 when we choose our best photos from the previous year!

I took "Misty River" last January just as the sun peeked 
through clouds after a morning shower.

In 2014, I sure hope to revive this blog.
 Numerous schedule changes in our family have prevented me
 from getting into Selma during the past couple of months.